Confirmation/Notification/Order Processing API

Confirm Transaction Status

VoguePay sends a transaction id to the notification URL provided in your account for every transaction on that account. If your notification URL i.e notify_url query parameter value is '', then notification will be sent to :

Confirm Transaction Status


This endpoint returns details of a transaction. See Response sample is 'Response' Tab.

Query Parameters

    "cur": "NGN",
    "total_paid_by_buyer": "1000",
    "total": "1000",
    "fund_maturity": "1970-01-01",
    "buyer_email": "",
    "status": "Approved",
    "merchant_id": "sandbox_760e43f202878f651659820234cad9",
    "merchant_ref": "ref123",
    "transaction_id": "409a283ede12461aa674d3abb9f9b92e",
    "process_duration": 0.836074

// -------------- XML RESPONSE TYPE -------------------

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Response Parameters Description

Response for Transaction ID not found:

Response "status" value will be "Declined"

    "cur": "",
    "total_paid_by_buyer": "0",
    "total": "0",
    "fund_maturity": "1970-01-01",
    "buyer_email": "",
    "status": "Declined",
    "merchant_id": "sandbox_760e43f202878f651659820234cad9",
    "merchant_ref": "",
    "transaction_id": "409a283ede12461aa674d3abb9f9b9",
    "process_duration": 0.448289

Last updated