Command API

Perfom several actions on VoguePay from your application without visiting your VoguePay Account/Dashboard.

The command API allows you to directly perform several actions on VoguePay from your application.

With command API, you can:

Fetch: Query our database for a list of transaction ids which can subsequently be processed with the notification API.

Withdraw: You can make withdrawals to one or several bank accounts.

Pay: You can transfer money to other VoguePay members.

The Command API works for server-to-server communication.

The Command API can be consumed with the secure url:

The command API accepts json, xml, yaml or ini formated parameter via HTTP POST. Your query should conform to the format specified below.


Command API returns the result as key/pair values in the format that it receives them (json, xml, yaml or ini).

The fields returned as explained below:

Download sample PHP files for command API implementation below:

Last updated